Your insurance claim for glass replacement can be processed with minimal fuss through Rockingham Glass & Security Screens.
1. Call Rockingham Glass on (08) 9527 1794
2. We respond and replace your broken glass
3. Pay your insurance excess direct to us (for businesses plus the GST)
4. You contact your Insurance Company and get a claim number
5. Provide your claim number and policy details to Rockingham Glass
6. We bill your insurance company direct *See note below
7. Your insurance company pays Rockingham Glass the balance owing (for businesses minus the GST)
*In most cases: However, some insurance companies prefer to reimburse the insured party. In this instance you will need to pay the full amount to Rockingham Glass when we complete the repair. We will issue you with a tax invoice for the full amount of the repair, you pay Rockingham Glass, and your insurance company will reimburse you, the insured, direct.